
Basics of PLC For Allen bradley PLC'S

 These are the common terms which we use while we use allen bradly PLC's *RS LOGIX 500- MICROLOGIX 1400,1200,1100 ALLEN BRADLY MICRO 1100 ALLEN BRADLEY 1200 ALLEN BRADLEY 1400 *RS LOGIX 5000-COMPACT LOGIX AND CONTROL LOGIX BOTH ALLEN BRADLEY COMPACT LOGIX ALLEN BRADLEY CONTROL LOGIX *STUDIO 5000  which is programming software- HIGHER VERSIONS OF PLC'S *CCW is spftaware for - MICRO 800, TO CONFIGURE VFD,HMI Now to configure PLC to  SCADA software in allen bradley we use RS LINX CLASSIC. -To Configure PLC to SCADA FTV or HMI we use RS LINX ENTERPRISE(FTV STUDIO) -If we do not have PLC then we can use EMULATOR  all the photos are taken from google image. so this are the basic things which will be helpful while programming any allen bradey PLC.


Hello everyone... Today we gonna discuss something which is very important in industrial topic. Every Electrical engineer needs to be very conscious about this. WHAT IS POWER FACTOR? HOW MUCH IT REQUIRED?😅 Now all of you know that every industry required to maintain as possible as 0.99 pf . but most of the engineers are not aware what is the required KVAR to reach or to make 0.99 pf. so here i am gonna share something which will show how to and what are the requirement. What is power factor?           "In ac circuits power factor is the ration of real power to apparent power"            "In dc circuits power factor is unity because reactive power absorbed by any inductive circuit is zero. so power factor is unity"  Now most of the of us are working with already installed plant or industries so we don't know what is KVAR rating we need to maintain our power factor at 0.99.  from google image ...

Pneumatic cylinders

Hello guys i am back with another interesting electrical product. Today i will share about pneumatic  air cylinders. first of let me tell you that pneumatic air cylinders are nowadays are use in every industry for various applications like in CNC, ROBOTICS, AURTOMATIC MACHINES many more. WHAT IS PNEUMATIC CYLINDER OR AIR CYLINDERS ? 😲 Basically pneumatic cylinder are mechanical device which converts compressed gas or air forced to linear motion directions. 😲. as shown in the picture the compressed air is filled with one end of the cylinder and then it force to cylinder to move ahead in linear motion which can be settle with other equipment's  like.. Food container palletizing Loading & unloading of parts The positioning of the machining tools Packaging machines Forklifts & mobile lifting aids etc Pneumatic cylinders are generally rated in BARS as unit. There are few types of  cylinders are available in the market ...

how to use allen- bradly powerflex 4m

How to use powerflex 4m  VFD : -                                            This is front view of power flex 4m allen-bradly vfd. This vfd generally used up to 0.2 K.W (0.25 H.P) TO 11 K.W (15 H.P). choose your use of vfd by different catlog no. in this model of vfd.  (Note- choose proper vfd. check the voltage and kw rating otherwise the vfd can be hazardous) Installation : - This model of allen bradly is easy to install. behind the vfd there is arrangement to adjust it on C-channel in panel. so its easy to install. First i would suggest to install proper size of MCB to supply the vfd. Check the proper voltage level for supply. Give all the phase to L1, L2 L3 respectively on the top of VFD. Supply on the power and turn on the VFD. Check the VFD and after that i would suggest to connect the motor. Use the manual of powerflex ...
POWER FLEX 753 ALLEN- BRADLY :- This video is about to solve the problem in allen-bradly power flex 753 VFD. VFD showing heat sink over temp fault.  To see vfd temp in power flex 753 go to the parameter no 943-942 This parameters shows the temperature of vfd and IGBT respectively. DRIVE TEMP PCT is fault 943 which shows the indication operating temperature of the drive power section(heat-sink) in percentage of minimum heat-sink temperature. Sollution:- To solve this problem first check the cooling fan of vfd is working or not.   One of the cooling fan is exactly under the sensor. if the fan is failed . then the sensor may sense the temperature and trip the vfd. and shows that vfd is over -heated . Some case if you change the fan which is under the sensor then the sensor will not get heated and will work propely. if this cant help then there will some sensor problem. for that contact allen-bradly


Hello everyone.... Today i am gonna share you some information about MCB And MCCB this are very common items which are used in daily electrical industrial work. so it's very important to know how all they work in real work. WHAT IS MCB? An MCB ( Miniature Circuit Breaker ) operates as automatic switch that opens in the event of excessive current flowing through the circuit and once the circuit returns to normal, it can be reclosed without any man ual replacement. Application and Used of MCB : Short circuit Over current Over load Select proper MCB according to your load. The availbale size is 6 to 100 amps. WHAT IS MCCB? Moulded Case Circuit Breaker is known as MCCB. Rated current upto 1000 amps. The main difference between MCB and MCCB is  with the MCB rated under 100 amps with an interrupting rating of under 18,000 amps. Consequently, their trip characteristics may not be adjusted since they basically cater to low circuits. On the other hand, a...